Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Workout for Golfers

It's wintertime. The ground is covered. You don't think the fairways will ever melt. What to do????????
Why not try to work on toning those muscles before you take your first swing of the season.

I suugest a combination workout 3 times a week that will stretch and strenthen your arms, shoulders, neck, upper and lower back, buttocks, groin, thigh, legs, and feet.

Talk to the trainer at your local Y or athletic club and get started today!

Work on upper and lower extemity machines alternately.

Build flexibility, not muscle mass by doing more reps at lower weights.

Sufficiently stretch and cool down before and after each workout.

Seek a physician's care for any prolonged problem or pain.

See you on the links!

Bradford J. Jacobs, DPM
